One of the Continent's secret offshore gems: Hydra.
With its gorgeous port and lively nightlife, Hydra is Greece's answer to St-Tropez and Portofino. Instead of the characteristic whitewashed cubes, Hydra town—reached directly from the port city of Piraeus via a 95-minute hydrofoil—has stunning Venetian- and Genoan-designed gray-and-white mansions and a decidedly Greek, but appealingly cosmopolitan, atmosphere.
Tsoureki (τσουρέκι) is a rich sweet bread known as the traditional Greek Easter sweet bread. It is similar to French brioche but with t...
If you have a question,I might have the answer:
Airbnb Co-hosting on Hydra island Greece
If you have an apartment, house, studio and you are looking for a co host to manage the arrivals and departures of the guests, contact me through the contact form above. I live year-around on the island and I have been working on tourism for many years.