Tuesday 7 October 2014

The Nature of Cats By Emma Baus

A film by Emma Baus Produced by Sylvie Randonneix

In coproduction with France 2


By Emma Baus http://www.emmabaus.com/ 

Since its domestication thousands of years ago, cats and men relationship has been based on a principle of mutual interest. But today, cats seem to be worshiped in a way our ancestors would be skeptical about -apart from the Egytians of course-

140 millions of sites referenced under the key-word « cat » on Google, lolcats seen millions of times, and worldwide cat internet stars like Grumpy cat in the Us or Maru in Japan…

What kind of link do we have with that animal ? The film will star 3 different cats, each of them born in a different environment, with different part of wildness still in him, and different relationship to humans.

One will live in the French countryside, in a farm where it is expected to hunt mouses. One will live in Hydra, with no master and no home, in a small island in Greece. And one in Tokyo, in a nekko Cafe, a place where people come to have a cup of tea among cats.

Filming is taking place these days in the island with the help of Hydra Ark.