Tuesday 27 October 2015

23 of October 2015

The island of Hydra is another Greek area that has been declared in a state of emergency after being hit hard by the violent rainstorms in Greece since Thursday morning.
The torrential rains that started at 8 am Friday morning left the three main roads of the island looking like wild rivers, sweeping everything in their path.
The mayor of Hydra Giorgos Koukoudakis asked from the General Secretariat for Civil Protection to put the island in a state of emergency and called an emergency meeting of the Local Coordinating Council.
Several parts of the island’s port have been filled by earth, tables, chairs and other materials the floods carried to the port, while the whole port was covered by water.
“The waters swept boats that were on land for the winter, mud, chairs and tables from the seafront restaurants, and everything you can imagine. They also swept two mules that drowned in the mud,” a local shopkeeper told reporters.
Houses and shops on the island have suffered serious damages as the storm was unprecedented by the standards of Hydra. A sailing race that was scheduled to take place during the weekend has been postponed. Hovercraft from Piraeus and neighboring islands are having difficulty approaching the port.

- See more at: http://greece.greekreporter.com/2015/10/23/island-of-hydra-in-state-of-emergency-from-flash-floods-as-storms-continue-in-greece/#sthash.aB6KIbrp.wL96BXaT.dpuf